Guest post Marilyn Meredith

What? Old You Say?


If you count how many years I’ve lived and all my offspring, 5 children, 18 grandchildren and twelve great-grands, I suppose you could call me old. When I look back over my life and remember all the things I’ve done: raised five children and two of my grandchildren, active in PTA during my kids’ school years including PTA president four years in a row, was a Camp Fire leader for 10 years, worked as a telephone operator on and off when my kids were little, taught in a pre-school for developmentally disabled children for 10 years and for three years as a day care center teacher, for twenty-three years hubby and I owned and lived in a licensed facility for six developmentally disabled women, I wrote for the local newspaper, organized and taught classes for Administrators of residential care facilities, and  all the while I was writing books. Eventually, I had over thirty published.


However, most of the time I don’t feel old. Oh, sure, I my knees hurt when I go upstairs. It’s more difficult to go on airplane trips—but I still do. I can’t accomplish near as much as I used to because I go to bed a lot earlier.


This is what I’m doing right now. I’m writing a new mystery in my Deputy Tempe Crabtree series. (I already sent off the one that will be published in the fall, Raging Water.) I’m reading the Rocky Bluff P.D. crime novel I recently finished to my critique group, which means I will have edits to do after each session. (By the way, I write the Rocky Bluff P.D. series under the name F. M. Meredith.)


I’m also gearing up for the promotion for the next one in the RBPD series which should be out sometime next month. It’s called No Bells and I’m excited about it. The main character in this particular book is Officer Gordon Butler who has become a favorite to many of my fans. Poor guy, nothing quite works out right for him. Another reason I’m excited, is that one of the characters has the name of a friend of mine. Her daughter won a contest I had to have a character named after the person who commented on the most blogs during a tour I was doing. And she wanted the prize to go to her mom. Mom has a great name and it fits the character well.


I’ll be on a blog tour for No Bells during the month of April. Other things I’ll be doing are several library talks, attending Epicon in San Antonio, TX, Left Coast Crime in Sacramento, and book and craft festivals.


I’ve had people ask me how long I’m going to keep writing. My answer, as long as I’m able and people want to read my books. All my books are available in the usual places.


You can take a peek at all my books on my website and I also have a blog and I’m on Facebook and Twitter under Marilyn Meredith.



11 thoughts on “Guest post Marilyn Meredith

  1. Barry, don’t worry, I get called Meredith as much as I am called Marilyn. Madison and Meredith sounds like the name of a detective agency–or something. Thank you, Madison for hosting me today.


  2. It’s been a real pleasure having you guest blog. Hey I might use that one, Madison and Meredith sounds like a great name. Laughs.

  3. Hi Marilyn!

    One of my biggest frustrations in life is the fact that I have so much I WANT to do, but not the same energy I once had to do it. Informative blog – good job.

    Look for me at Left Coast Crime. I’m going too!

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